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How to use offset function in Excel.xlsx

Lookup Data.xlsx

Employee Master Data.xlsx

केवल 1 क्लिक में Duplicate Values हटाएं.xlsx

What is the Sumifs function in Excel, How do I sum in Excel with conditions.xlsx

What are Sparklines and How to use them in Excel (हिंदी में).xlsx

Top 5 hidden Excel Tricks (हिंदी में).xlsx

Problem of unwanted names when we create a copy of the sheet.xlsx

Personal Monthly Budget1.xlsx

New Functions in Excel 2019 or Office 365.xlsx

New chart types in Excel 2019 Office 365 (Map and Funnel Chart) हिंदी में.xlsx

How to use IF, AND, OR function in Excel (in HIndi).xlsx

How to use IF function in Excel (हिंदी में).xlsx

How to Maintain small business in Excel (Complete).xlsx

How to Freeze cell reference in Excel (in Hindi).xlsx

How to find top Performers in each Category in Excel (हिंदी में).xlsx

How do you use Hlookup in Excel, What is Hlookup in Excel with example(हिंदी में).xlsx

How do you sort data vertically in Excel (हिंदी में).xlsx

How do you change the number format in Excel.xlsx

How do I use the Sumif function in Excel.xlsx

How do I create a custom sort list in Excel.xlsx

Highlight duplicate cells (हिंदी में).xlsx

Formula Writing (Don't Miss This).xlsx

Flash Fill Data.xlsx

Excel में कैसे बनाएं Dropdown List .xlsx

Excel में Text कैसे जोड़ें (Concatenate, &, Concat, TextJoin).xlsx

Excel में Sumif, DropDown List & Conditional Formatting एक साथ.xlsx

dependent dropdown.xlsx

Create Dahsboard in just 5 min. (in Excel).xlsx

Count cells containing Text (हिंदी में).xlsx

Conditional formatting in Excel new rule (in hindi).xlsx

Common Date & Time Functions.xlsx

1. How to write a function in Excel (Syntax & argument explanation).xlsx

2. How to Clean symmetrical data.xlsx

3. How to use IF function in Excel.xlsx

4. How to apply Nested IF (A Genie with 3 wishes).xlsx

5. How to use Vlookup function.xlsx

6 How Excel Records Date & Time.xlsx

7. How to Copy Filtered Data from non-hidden rows.xlsx

8. How to protect a cell in Excel worksheet.xlsx

9. How to create a Pivot Table in Excel.xlsx

3 Shortcuts excel workbook.xlsx

6 Types of Error in Excel and how to resolve them (in Hindi).xlsx